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To achieve the main objective, the following specific objectives shall be accomplished:

Research Coordination
● To develop the implementation strategy for stroke care quality measurement in focus countries and testing its feasibility through the IRENE COST Action lifetime.
● To provide an evidence on stroke care quality in all involved inclusiveness target countries through coordination of data collection and provision of web-based registry.

Capacity Building
● To create a solid international network of stroke professionals involving representatives and relevant stakeholders from as much as possible COST member countries and NNCs and develop communication channels to make the network functional and effective.
● To interconnect IRENE COST Action network with international bodies and initiatives to achieve synergy effects of individual efforts and develop cooperation plan with at least 4 international initiatives or organizations.
● To develop tools for increasing professional skills and knowledge of IRENE COST and sharing best practice between COST members during the IRENE COST Action period.



Developing an implementation strategy for stroke care quality measurement in focus countries and testing its feasibility throughout the IRENE COST Action lifetime.


Providing an evidence on stroke care quality in all involved inclusiveness target countries through the coordination of data collection and the provision of a web-based registry.


specific objectives

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